My church and Association were praying for me

During my second tour to Iraq with the U.S. Army, I was walking to my communications office on Association day. It wasn’t the first time that the Army seemed to get in the way of my spiritual education: When I was finally ready for class, I also found out that I was deploying. Yet the whole experience taught me to love more, to be truer to myself, and to have more patience. I also felt so much love from my family, local church, and Association. When I returned home to the Seattle area, a fellow church member said, “We were praying for you!” I knew they had been, because I had felt it and seen the protection.

I was protected during more than two years of deployment to Iraq, not only from physical danger on base and during missions, but also from mental and emotional trauma. I found quiet moments filled with Love. How could they not be, if Love fills all space?

On that day back in Iraq, as I was crossing a little bridge over an empty desert stream, something lifted. I felt buoyed. It’s a cliché, but it felt as if the heavens opened. I looked up at the clear sky and felt something of Spirit. I was thinking about our Association that day and they were thinking of me. It was the embracing reflection of Love. Later, I learned that Skip had taken a pause in the day and asked everyone to pray for me. The support was energizing and protecting.  

I’ll always remember that Skip took time to send me an email in which he had hand typed the text of a World War II pocket pamphlet called Deliverance. Honestly, I think being remembered overseas meant more to me than the article!

“Thy kingdom come” starts the Daily Prayer and reminds me of that day when I felt new possibilities and potential. It proves to me what love and scientific consciousness can do. So grateful to be a part of this Association!

Cleaning out the old challenges

Since November, I have been cleaning my closet of all the old challenges. One by one, the infections and headaches and loneliness came to the door.

I called a practitioner for help and she encouraged me to turn away those salesmen. Reject the claims. It worked! Bit by bit, I turned things away and became free of them. 

I am happy these things came up so that I could be conscious of choosing Christian Science. The work continues to come to the door, but I am in good practice and conscious of not going backwards.

Genuine universality of thought

I am writing with sincere appreciation for Skip’s kindness and encouragement. He encouraged me to help others, even when I may have been struggling with a challenge or two myself. He wrote me positive responses to my contributions, which frequently related how I’d shared Christian Science with folks from all walks of life, often to those who may have been receiving treatment for former addictions.

I also related to his genuine universality of thought. At the time, not all Christian Scientists were so accepting of others. Today, I am grateful to read metaphysical contributions from many Christian Science practitioners and teachers that express brotherly kindness and a willingness to learn from our fellow Christians…and Jews…and Muslims…and non-believers, as well!

Free from myths of heredity

For me, Christian Science is the ONLY way to live my life. Christian Science practice has lifted me far above what the material senses were telling me about the obligations of life. It has led me out of the dark places of material existence into the light of Truth.

I have had many demonstrations of letting go of mortal beliefs and progressing forward. When I was very young, my grandmother introduced me to Christian Science. I was healed overnight of whooping cough. When there was an epidemic of chicken pox in school, my grandmother “barred the door,” and I had only one pox, which disappeared within a day or two. Because of this experience, I was able to carry out healing work for my own daughter when she appeared to have chicken pox.

In the past year, I had a healing that helped me progress in Christian Science. After a physical examination for my job, I was told I had an excessive level of cholesterol. My refusal to take medicine caused a domino effect, and I was referred for additional testing. During the time between tests, I became fearful. (I was never ill. It was the medical prediction, not the illusion of illness, that made me fearful.) I worked with ideas from my class notes and the periodicals. Though the work was helpful, I still couldn’t drop the fear of ill health and aging.

When I was tested again, the results appeared to be very serious. I was then referred to a cardiologist because my medical history included a parent who had died from heart disease. While it was a very fearful time, it was also an opportunity to grow. I contacted a dear Association classmate who has worked alongside me on many challenges throughout the years. She carefully prayed and then sent me ideas on how I should also pray.

Fear still gripped me. But Mrs. Eddy writes, “Heredity is not a law” (Science and Health, 178:8 only). Did I inherit bad genes from a loving parent? Impossible! My loving parent is God, only good. God, not human parents, gives us our life. Therefore, we are free from myths of heredity.

While praying with many wonderful ideas, this message came to me: “What do you want to understand? The material prediction or the spiritual outcome?” I chose the spiritual outcome. With that decision, a sense of peace came and I was able to drop the fear. When I went back for yet another intense test, the results were normal, no heart disease was detected. I was free of the matter prediction, and like the prisoner in the allegory of the trial, “rose up regenerated, strong, free” (Science and Health, 442:8 only).

While it was wonderful to have a good outcome, that was not the healing. The healing was to know that I am not a mortal with good or bad health. I am truly spiritual reflection, having all good at all times. To grow more fully in grace, I uncovered that I need to be kinder and less critical of others, to see everyone I encounter as a representative of God. If I can keep progressing in that direction, that will be a healing for all mankind. As Mrs. Eddy writes, “This is an element of progress, and progress is the law of God, whose law demands of us only what we can certainly fulfil” (Science and Health, 233:5).

It’s as if my husband is a new man

My husband had been having blockage issues for years. He had help from a practitioner, but the problem was never fully resolved. After a year, he stopped working with the practitioner. He would read Christian Science articles, but never wanted to hear any Christian Science ideas I offered to share, nor did he read much of Mary Baker Eddy’s writings.

His condition got worse and he became angrier and angrier. I couldn’t say much to him, so I just worked for him as best I could. I tried to know that the angry man who yelled, “I hate you,” was in no way the reality. 

At the point when he was no longer getting out of bed, my older daughter happened to come by for a visit. When she saw his condition, she told him she wanted him to go to the hospital. He agreed. He was in pain and I think he had pretty much given up on Christian Science for himself. The next day, my daughter arranged for an ambulance and accompanied my husband to the hospital. I fully cooperated because it was what my husband had consented to. 

My husband was in the hospital for ten days. He was very relieved when the fluid that had been accumulating in his body began to drain. I was too. When I visited him in the hospital, it was difficult to do much in the way of spiritual thinking, though I worked to support him. I also focused on expressing gratitude to the nurses and other caregivers.

When he came home, my husband was taking medication and had a catheter that needed to be drained around the clock. Since I was still involved, I felt intruded upon by medicine. But I got so I knew better. Now he takes care of all of it himself and is no longer taking the pills that were prescribed. Recently one doctor told my husband that he doesn’t need to see him for three months, and another doctor said for a year. So our weeks aren’t full of appointments anymore. And the medical is moving out of our lives.

The biggest and best change happened in the last month or so. My husband started watching Christian Science lectures on YouTube and loved them. He had some aha moments and began to be kinder and more thoughtful. Then he announced that Mary Baker Eddy’s writing was the absolute best and he wanted to focus on it. He asked to use my CDs of Science and Health.

It’s as if my husband is a new man. He is more loving and thoughtful and funny and wonderful than he has ever been. It’s my real husband, right? It is a joy to be with him in a way that it never was before. And I think it is making me a better person…a better Christian Scientist.

My husband knows there can be a complete healing of the need for a catheter. He has had recent healings: Yesterday, he accidentally grabbed the hot exhaust pipe of his lawn mower, but he laughed at the idea of a burn. And there wasn’t one. Recently, he learned that he is not going blind. (Some years back an ophthalmologist said he was likely to lose his vision.) And he no longer harbors bad feelings toward his brother-in-law.

Before I got on the train to visit my new grandson, he told me to give the family this message: “I’m here to love and to help in the way you need me to.” I thought that was pretty good.

An angel message illumined my thought

I recently had a healing that was unlike anything I’ve experienced so far in my journey with Christian Science. It was a healing where divine Love illumined my thought and took me into that secret place of the Most High.

One morning, I woke up with what appeared to be a sprained thumb. I was unable to move it without excruciating pain. It was my right hand, so it was extremely difficult to do ordinary things like getting dressed, taking a shower, and feeding my cats. I called my practitioner to begin working with me.

At the time, I was struggling with grief from the recent loss of my husband. Any sense of happiness was covered up with sadness and longing to experience all that my husband and I had shared. The fact that I didn’t have my husband to help me do even simple things compounded the situation, making it feel like a perfect storm of malicious animal magnetism.

Although I was working with the practitioner and studying references from Science and Health, the first few days were very painful and discouraging. I was, however, able to find practical ways to make things easier, such as wearing dresses instead of pants. Wearing a thumb brace helped stabilize the thumb and reduced the pain I was feeling.

After struggling for four days, my hand was still very swollen and painful. That night, I used DoorDash to deliver food to my home. As my Dasher was getting out of his car, I noticed that he used an arm brace to help him walk. I went down my front steps to meet him, so he would not have to struggle up to the door. When I met him, there was light radiating from his eyes. He said, “Pay no attention to this brace, because I do not let it stop me from doing my job and delivering great service to my customers.”

In that moment, I felt divine Love meet me right where I was. I felt as if God was telling me, “Pay no attention to this error that you see before you, whether it’s physical or emotional. Do not let it stop you from doing My work.”

Tears started to pour down my face as I experienced God’s message coming through this man. He immediately recognized my need for something more than food and began to share his story. He told me how God had saved him from a seven-month coma and then helped him to walk after being in a wheelchair for two years. His medical doctors had first told him that he would not live, and then that he would not walk. He concluded by saying, “We must never lose our hope in God, even if we lose our faith.”

As my tears continued to fall, I told him how much I needed to hear his story. When I asked him his name, he replied, “Angel—do you know what that means? Messenger from God.” I told him that was exactly what I was hearing.

My encounter with this stranger was a divine moment. God’s Love shined right through him and I was illumined with Life, Truth, and Love. The Truth instantly set me free from the hold of animal magnetism, and I knew that the pain and emotional grief I was experiencing had no power over me. The only place I was dwelling was in God—I was living and moving and having my being in Him.

As I said goodbye to the man, I realized that my joy had been restored and my grief was healed. I knew that my healing was complete, even if it wasn’t yet fully demonstrated. The best way to describe my experience is from Science and Health: “Love inspires, illumines, designates, and leads the way. Right motives give pinions to thought, and strength and freedom to speech and action. Love is priestess at the altar of Truth. Wait patiently for divine Love to move upon the waters of mortal mind, and form the perfect concept. Patience must ‘have her perfect work’”

(Science and Health, 454:18).

It was amazing to see how quickly the physical symptoms fell away once my thought was uplifted by the Truth. The swelling of my hand came down and I no longer needed the brace. By the third day, I was completely free and using my hand normally for all things.

I am so grateful for this experience, because it made me turn to God and recognize His still small voice. Without having to walk through this valley, I would not have had the mountaintop experience that healed me in multiple ways.

Messages so full of God’s grace

One night recently I was feeling very ill, when the thought came to me that I might pass on. I responded, “But I can’t! I have to take care of my husband. And who will know all the details for the five lectures we are giving in May—four jail lectures and one lecture in our church edifice?”

Quickly a line from a hymn came: “Our Father answers every call” (Hymn 139). I turned with all my heart to our Father. Clear guidance came: “Be still and listen for His voice.” I became still and listened. Angel messages flowed, including this familiar passage from the Bible: “Fear thou not; for I am with thee: be not dismayed; for I am thy God: I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness” (Isa. 41:10). Other ideas, so full of God’s grace, comforted me, assured me, and I was at peace. I had heard God’s voice and knew He was there with me.

The next morning, I shared this experience with the practitioner who had been helping me. She rejoiced and said, “God is your Life and the law of your being.” I went forward that day rejoicing.

An interesting idea that I learned from this experience was about caring for my husband: I could not take care of someone that I saw as less than a complete, perfect, spiritual idea who was already completely cared for by God. This was a blessing for us both.

You don’t have to shoulder all of this

A few weeks ago, I experienced discomfort in my shoulder that became increasingly painful and impaired my ability to use my arm. Although I was praying about it, I felt I was not making any tangible progress in thought. 

During this time, my husband and I were renovating the exterior of our home, and our contractor alerted us to a potential structural problem. Work stopped until we could determine the extent of the problem and how to remedy it. A firm our contractor recommended examined the structure and submitted a bid for the repair work. The price was staggering—almost as much as what we were paying for the entire exterior remodel of the home. Although we had set aside a contingency for unknown issues, this would blow our budget.  

My normally unflappable husband was unreasonably irrational in his reaction to the bid for the proposed structural work. (Later, I realized part of my husband’s agitation was that he was fearful about being laid off from work. Many of his colleagues had been let go, and his division was being reorganized in a way where he didn’t think his position would be secure.)  

The morning we were to meet our contractor to discuss solutions for the structural issue, the claim with my shoulder intensified. The shoulder appeared inflamed and was painful to the touch. Frankly, I wasn’t sure I could use my arm at all; I had to lift it to place it on my desk.  

I tried to pray about my shoulder, my seemingly irrational husband, and the structural issue in our home. I felt a tad overwhelmed. After the meeting with our contractor, during which I tried to keep my husband calm, we resolved to get a second opinion from another structural engineer. When I walked away from this meeting, I let myself lapse into doom and gloom, including some self-condemnation about how we should have chosen a different household improvement project! 

I was in my home office half-praying, half-indulging in a pity party, when the sweetest angel thought came, “You don’t have to shoulder all of this.” Praying with this thought, I realized I had accepted a false sense of responsibility about the whole project. It wasn’t my responsibility to resolve the conflict between my husband and the contractor, nor was it my role to try and “fix” this situation. Either I believed in divine intelligence, or I didn’t. It was that simple. 

After praying with the first angel thought, another sweet thought from the Bible came about “dwelling between God’s shoulders.” This tender message further confirmed that I needed to drop the false sense of being a mortal with a painful shoulder and an out-of-control construction project and just dwell between God’s shoulders—let God shoulder this situation. I was in awe of how specific these angel messages were for my situation. 

Although I was grateful for this inspiration, I also called a practitioner to support me in my prayers. I briefly told him what was going on and the angel messages I had received, and he agreed to support me. 

During the morning, between numerous work meetings, I would listen for more angel messages. It was becoming clear that I had not defended my thought from my husband’s fears about looming unemployment, recession, and limited future job possibilities. As a Christian Scientist, I knew I had consistently demonstrated that a job is not the source of supply in our lives, and that ideas are the only true income. 

As I opened my thought, I was able to recognize the errors in my thought and replace them with the spiritual facts about the situation. I could see that the self-condemnation was unwarranted. This renovation project was not my personal will, but something that had become apparent to both my husband and me as the project we should commence now. Despite mortal appearances, I could be confident that this project was the right idea at the right time and could expect divine intelligence to bring about the right solution and supply.  

Within a few hours of my call to the practitioner, my shoulder was healed. No more pain or loss of movement! It was a spectacular healing.  

Although I was grateful for the release from pain and immobility, I continued to pray about the ever-presence of divine intelligence and how we all are receptive to the leadings of Mind. I also endeavored to clear my thought about my husband and more fully know that as God’s expression he is incapable of harboring fear. 

My husband called his brother to discuss the situation, and his brother had a friend who was a structural engineer. This engineer agreed to come to our home to help us. The night before this second engineering assessment, I was out running errands. At an intersection, I saw a father hoist his daughter on his shoulders and walk across the street with her. She was in awe of seeing everything from a higher view. It was such a reminder that when God shoulders us, he also is showing us a whole different viewpoint. I was so touched by this angel message. 

The next day, after a thorough inspection, the second structural engineer determined that the first opinion was inaccurate and showed us conclusively why the first opinion was incorrect. He also provided some guidance about steps that our contractor could take to ensure that the modifications we were making would not create future problems. Within a few days, our contractor was able to provide us with a breakdown of additional costs, which my husband wholeheartedly agreed to! This work was far less than the original estimate we received.  

Although I am grateful for the healing of my shoulder and the resolution of the structural issue, I am inspired by how renovated my thought became through this experience, including healing errors of thought I had been unaware I was entertaining. In addition, my husband seems much more at peace regarding his job situation, and there is no conflict with our contractor. In fact, they have become fast friends, chatting every morning. This experience demonstrated that nothing is outside of our own thought, whether it is a shoulder, a construction project, supply, or conflict.

When we put God first, everything else falls into place

When my husband and I had just graduated from college, we moved to an unfamiliar northern city. We struggled to find work related to what we had studied, but ended up working for a temporary agency at minimum wage. This was a stark shift from our college days, where we had excelled in our studies and our days were meaningful to us. 

After several months, I started to become depressed, wondering about the meaning of life. I prayed and attended a Christian Science church regularly. On the wall of that church it said, “Seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you” (Matthew 6:33). I tried to be obedient to this idea, but was overwhelmed by how many “things” we needed and couldn’t afford. I couldn’t see how things could get better. 

When the new year came, I decided to take a full week off from work to pray about our situation. As I sat down to pray on the first day, I was in tears. Then I opened Science and Health to page 468 and read, “Question. — What is Life? Answer. — Life is divine Principle, Mind, Soul, Spirit. Life is without beginning and without end.” Instantly, I was lifted up out of the darkness and depression and realized that knowing and understanding God is really all that we need to do. When we put God first in our lives, everything else falls into place. Honestly, I was surprised to have found my answer so quickly.

Yet the next day I again found myself in tears and realized that I had to keep studying and praying and remembering to put God first in my life. I learned to walk with these words from the Bible, “Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths” (Proverbs 3:5, 6). I learned to really search my thought to be sure I was only acknowledging God, good.  

I now look back on this experience as a time of great spiritual growth and treasure what unfolded. Within a month or two, both my husband and I had transferred into jobs that better related to our fields of study. My husband was also accepted to graduate school in a town that was more rural, had a warmer climate, and was close to my husband’s family—all of which we desired. We moved to that town and are still living there 35 years later, full of gratitude for God’s love and care for us and all creation. As the Bible says, “Thou openest thine hand, and satisfiest the desire of every living thing” (Psalm 145:16).

God’s ever-presence overcomes all obstacles

This past summer our family decided to drive from California to Massachusetts for a long, relaxing summer vacation. Our family had been planning this trip for a number of years and we were thrilled it had all come together. We had booked campsites along the way and planned some mountain biking trips as well. We packed up our company Sprinter van and left home, towing a boat I had built during the winter.

After filling our van’s gas tank in Amarillo, Texas, the van lost power and limped along the side of the highway. We arranged to tow the van to the closest dealer who could fix it—in Lubbock, Texas, 150 miles away. I rode along in the tow truck, leaving my wife and two children in a hotel in Amarillo.

After waiting in Lubbock for two days, I learned that we had purchased bad gas and the van’s fuel system needed to be completely rebuilt. The three-week repair and whopping $18,000 cost were only part of the challenge. I was stuck in Lubbock with our bikes and camping gear in the van, while my wife and children were stranded in Amarillo with the boat and trailer. And in just three days we needed to be in Woods Hole, Massachusetts, to catch a ferry to meet relatives I had not seen in over 20 years.

After calling rental car companies all over Texas and finding not a single rental vehicle that could transport us, I decided it was time to get some real help. I called my practitioner. She reminded me that transportation is spiritual, not limited by the mechanical. Jesus walked on the waves and moved effortlessly to where he needed to be. She reminded me, “What cannot God do?”

Like Moses facing Pharoah’s army, I seemed to be facing an army of impenetrable circumstances. Looking out over the impassable “Red Sea” we needed to cross to get to Woods Hole, I sat down in the dealership waiting room with a firm sense that there was an answer. I distinctly remember not being concerned. I can’t quite explain it, but I just felt God was with us and nothing could stop our progress. 

At that moment I heard a faint voice and realized my mobile phone was talking to me from my back pocket. I pulled out my phone to see that Michael, a colleague from work, was on the line. Apparently, I had “pocket dialed” him. He asked how my vacation was going. “Well,” I said, “at the moment it is a bit up in the air,” and shared our predicament.

A few minutes after hanging up, Michael called to say that his mom and step-dad were heading to Europe for a month and would happily lend us their extended pick-up truck. Guess what—they just happened to live in El Paso, Texas. However, his parents were leaving first thing in the morning, so I had to get there today. It was about a 6-hour drive to El Paso, but I accepted the offer with no hesitation.

I immediately got a shuttle to the rental car agency, where I learned that I could not do a one-way rental to El Paso—it had to be round trip. Hmmm. We didn’t come this far to be stopped. Just then someone at the service desk chimed in to say that they had a cargo van that needed to be delivered to El Paso. It had just come in and they hadn’t prepped it, but I could take it as is. Thank you, Father! That cargo van allowed me to return to the dealer where our van was sitting, transfer all the gear in our van to the rental van, and get to El Paso that evening. I then had time to move our gear onto the bed of the pick-up truck and drive to Amarillo, arriving at 3:00 in the morning. After a few hours of sleep, I hitched the boat trailer to the pick-up, and we were back on the road. Three days later, we made our rendezvous with the ferry at Woods Hole.

At the end of our summer, we returned to Lubbock to pick up the van, complete with a new fuel system, paid for by the insurance company. We then drove to El Paso to return the pick-up truck, which we called our “miracle buggy.” 

This experience has continued to bless. As a result of this demonstration, I know that simple trust in God and His ever-presence overcomes all obstacles placed in our path. It is a light to carry with me to see that God’s hand is always at hand.

Relationships can be healed – God does that

I have been healed of hurt and self-justification in my relationship with my step-daughter, from whom I had been estranged for a few years.

There were mental conversations where I would rehearse an apology to my step-daughter and then add a self-justifying, “but…” Then I found I could include, “I never meant to hurt you,” which evolved to, “I never meant to hurt you, but I never chose to be considerate of you. For that I am deeply sorry.” It needed to go further and include loving her, not because she is my husband’s daughter, but because she is who she is and I love her for that.

Since October, my step-daughter and I have texted a bit and met at her home three times. On a recent visit, her two little children brought me a book and snuggled into the circle of my arms as I read to them. My step-daughter took a picture of me with the children and texted it to me! There is nothing awkward—no bringing up the past (talking it through)—only going forward. With solid conviction, I acknowledge that relationships can be healed. God does that.

Last week I was teaching a class in Christian Science nursing, and two of my students were not getting along. (The Matthew Code had been skipped.) One of them requested a meeting with the other student. Filled with a new conviction that God, Love, is able to make all grace abound, I was able to listen for God’s direction as I prepared for the meeting. I remembered what an administrator once taught me about leadership: “Two words—just listen.” Listen to those involved of course, but really listen to what God is telling me.

In the meeting, the first student read an admonition from Mrs. Eddy’s writings that he hoped would set the other student straight. The second student read “What Our Leader Says” (Miscellany, 210:1–17) and the Sixth Tenet. I followed up by reminding them of the practical steps to follow in the Matthew Code and encouraged them to be approachable and willing to communicate. Also to know in whom they could safely confide.

The second student realized that she shouldn’t “get into explanations,” so she humbly and sincerely apologized. Her apology was received, hugs were given, and the first student even took a moment to comfort her. I then required the three of us to eat lunch together. It was a very joyous time.

Since then, the two students have come up to me separately to thank God and to tell me that the situation is healed. The second student also told a colleague that another relationship that had been strained for about two years has also been mended.

My healing has blessed a lot of people—my family, my students, and my workplace. It took my working out the redemption of my own thinking with God alone. I did not have to be involved in setting anyone else straight. It started by going into the prayer closet with God, Love. Isn’t this a lovely contribution to world peace?