“All things working together for good” – even in a complex, corporate environment

I recently saw how God’s perfect harmony when more fully understood through Christian Science can break down even the complex and often negative effects of working in a corporate environment. I have been with my current employer for 22 years and have gone through many challenges during those years, but this past year, when I was met with one of my biggest challenges yet, has brought the most spiritual growth.

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Not heredity but the “glorious inheritance” of divine Love

Several months ago while climbing the steps to the second floor, I noticed my knee was very painful. At first, I didn’t think much of this and continued to move about my daily activities with some freedom. The next day while climbing steps, I felt this painful action again. I denied it as part my true being because I knew “Mind was truly the source of all harmonious movement…” and it disappeared. On the third day, the pain of mortal mind yelled out again for attention. I turned whole-heartedly to God with His assurance that the work was done. And there was healing.

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