“The Creation chapter teaches us to discern the real and actual from the lies…that make up the common idea of life.”

I have found it useful lately, especially when discussing Science with those who are unfamiliar, to pair the idea of creation with others such as the universe and a sense of everything that is. This tends to broaden thought and conversation beyond what appears immediately before the mortal senses and leads naturally to the idea that the truth of creation is found nowhere in matter - and so must be sought elsewhere.

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“The ongoing ever-present sense of where we truly live is what the chapter of creation emphasizes to me.”

The importance of knowing that there is only one creator and one creation in my life revolves not around a particular day or healing. It is a daily understanding of where my thought should be.  In storm or shine we have only one life.  We truly do live in heaven right now – untouched by the clamoring of mortal thoughts.  As we surrender our sense of a personal self (with all the problems that a belief in mortal existence brings), we can be calm in the face of the storm.  We can feel the Life, Truth and Love that is always present.  So rather than point to a particular day or a particular healing (which is important), the ongoing ever-present sense of where we truly live is what the chapter of creation emphasizes to me.  We are always at home with God.