"I had to stop thinking I was in charge of healing the pain"

While away from home for several days I started having difficulty with a pain in my side. This made some movement extremely uncomfortable and limited my activity during the day. At night I was unable to sleep because of the recurring pain. I found it challenging to focus on the healing ideas I have learned in Christian Science. In a phone call late one night, the practitioner firmly told me to stop thinking I was in charge of the healing and to quit mentally repeating, “The pain, the pain.”

The practitioner helped me realize those ideas weren’t coming from God. It was mortal mind’s suggestion trying to dominate me, whereas the only real thinking I can ever do comes from Mind, from God who is Love. This woke me up.

When the lie of pain presented itself again, I refuted it with thoughts of the ever-presence and enormity of God’s goodness and Her powerful love for me and all Her children. After awhile, each time the suggestion of pain tried to come, I would smile instead of grimace, only focusing on gratitude for God’s ever-present, powerful love and goodness. There was improvement, and a day or two after getting back home, I realized the pain was gone. Not long after I easily did a vigorous clean-out of a storage area, which proved to me that consciousness of the all-good and ever-present power of God can bring healing.

My gratitude for practitioners, for Mary Baker Eddy’s work of discovering Christian Science and to Jesus for showing the way, only continues to grow.