“I never want to give my human opinion”

I am so thankful for the assignment this year!  My favorite healing is Mr. Peter Henniker-Heaton’s.  I have cherished it and thought about it and shared it over the many years that I have been a practitioner. Why? Because it is clearly a healing accomplished in the midst of complete lack of help from matter or material comforts or material reasoning. It could not be said to be “anecdotal” nor could it be said to be a healing arrived at through anything material. I love that he learned the textbook by heart. 

I also have learned much of the textbook simply because I want to be accurate when I am speaking with patients. I never want to give my human opinion. God gives me quotes as I am speaking with someone, and we go to the quote in the books to see the context. His testimony serves as a beacon of light to me and others with whom I have shared it. I also revere the testimony of the woman who found she was able to walk out of a concentration camp because she was totally concentrating on studying the textbook. How powerful is the textbook! She studied it carefully four times as she went hourly through enemy-infested territory, and God guided her throughout her experience.  So humbling!