“The power of Christ is the best ‘marketing’ message we could ask for.”

Not only has it been a while since I “focused intently on exactly what the revelation of divine Science is”, but also I probably have been too lax in actively acknowledging that Science IS the revelation.

Depending on the moment, I take Science for granted, or don’t associate it with the term ‘revelation’ unless it’s in the Lesson or something I read. That’s not to say that I’m blasé about Science, or feeling uninspired—quite the opposite. But, I haven’t been declaring Science’s role as the Revelation. Talk about animal magnetism’s subtle way!

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“The minute I got it I started to work with it.”

I just wanted to share some lovely news—fruitage from that assignment. A challenging few months practice-wise. The minute I got it, I started to work with it. I had a patient who had called with symptoms of a heart attack the night before. There had been improvement during the night, but working with that assignment, especially Ret 60 and 61, helped so much. The patient called several hours later saying “Oh, no more symptoms!” Also a hip problem—not mentioned before—gone too!
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“Turning directly to our Leader’s writings to learn more of this Science”

Here are some of my thoughts on the assignment, along with the gratitude and joy I felt.

Three days ago I felt led to study the Science section of the chapter “Science, Theology, and Medicine”, and found deeper meanings and applications opening up like fresh discoveries. Then getting your assignment letter immediately afterwards brought an added burst of gratitude, joy, and expectancy.

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